Digital Transformation in Institutions of Higher Education, Science and Culture
We invite those interested to present their works, preferably on the topics described above, sending their proposals to eciencia@redclara.net indicating in the subject: Propuesta para la Convocatoria de Trabajos - II Encuentro Latinoamericano de e-Ciencia.
Important dates:
- February 26, 2018: Opening of the Call
- June 11, 2018: End of the Call
- June 29, 2018: Notification of Selected Authors
- September 03-05, 2018: 2nd Latin American e-Science Meeting - Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Benefits for Selected Papers
The BELLA-T Project will cover the expenses related to the transfer of one of the researchers responsible for the selected paper to the host city of the event (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia), as well as those of their stay and participation in the Meeting.
Call for papers: 2nd Latin American e-Science Meeting
Authors Guide: TICAL2018 Conference & 2nd Latin American e-Science Meeting
It is hoped that the papers will present an experience that will allow the audience to learn at least the following aspects:
- The impact of the developed research
- ICT used in the development of the research and the description of the support and/or contribution given to the fulfillment of the research objective.
- Description of the collaboration network that participated in the project.
- Description of the experience that was gained in building the collaborative project teams and strategies, particularly among researchers and technology experts (learned lessons).
Priority Topics
Note: The themes that are shown in the priority areas as examples do not exclude others that can be presented by the researchers that wish to apply for this call.
- Open Data
- Institutional repositories
- Open publications
- Internet of Things (IoT) / sensors
- Citizen empowerment
- High performance processing
- Scientific visualization
- Online / Custom Creation
- Analysis of feelings
- Open Innovation: FabLab, Hacker Space and others
- Citizen science
- Data and Linked Data Management
- Collaborative support applications: large-scale scientific collaboration
- Big Data
- Health and personalized medicine
- Governance in scientific collaborations
Mandatory requirements:
Material that applicants must prepare
- A paper with a minimum length of eight (8) and a maximum of 20 pages, describingthe work that has been carried outand its results. The official languages are Spanish and Portuguese.
- Papers must be submitted in strict accordance to the format established by the TICAL2018 Conference and the 2ndLatin American e-Science Meeting Authors Guide (download here) in Word and PDF format.
If your paper is selected, you will need to prepare:
- An English copy of the abstract (200-300 words).
- A presentation of a maximum of 15 minutes, showing the experience developed in all its stages.
Structure of the presentation of the paper
- Problem and context in which the project was developed
- Description of the implemented technological solution
- Critical and relevant aspects to be highlighted and detailed.
- Obtained results and its impact.
- Learning (errors and hits)
- Not expected impacts.
Who can participate?
The call is driven to groups of researchers (young researchers, advanced postgraduate students) who are working in the priority areas - indicated above - whose experience involves the use of ICT (see priority topics) as a support for research work. It will be highly valued the receipt of papers that report experiences of collaborative work between the researchers and the ICT area of the institution.